Post by username on Sept 23, 2018 12:51:39 GMT -6
Post by username on Sept 23, 2018 12:54:02 GMT -6
Some reposts from the Apocryphal "Book 3" PunkCharacteristics: Strength, Willpower, Charisma Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Brawl, Intimidation, Performer, Drive Feats:- Headstrong
- Discipline
- Unarmed Warrior
- Hardy
- Luck
Bonus for Completion: +1 Resource Point HackerCharacteristics: Intelligence, Wisdom, Fellowship Skills: Tech-Use, Drive, Common Lore, Academic Lore, Larceny, Deceive Feats:- Gain Access
- Eidetic Memory
- Paranoia
- Unremarkable
- Upgraded (Uncommon)
- Peer (Hacker Organization)
- *Skill Focus (Any)
Bonus for Completion: +1 to noncombat Opposed Tests NobleCharacteristics: Charisma, Wisdom, Composure Skills: Command, Politics, Scrutiny, Charm, Persuasion Feats:- Decadence
- Peer (Subjects)
- Skill Focus (Command
- Redshirt Shield
- *Peer (Any)
Bonus for Completion: Gain the feat "Courtier's Privilege" HuntsmanCharacteristics: Dexterity, Wisdom, Strength Skills: Animal Ken, Common Lore, Perception, Weaponry, Athletics, Ballistics, Stealth Feats:- Expert Tracker
- Heightened Senses (Any)
- Hatred (Any)
- Weapon Proficiency (Basic)
- Peer (Hunter Organization)
- *Armor Proficiency (Light)
- *Skill Focus (Any)
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all attack tests against non-sentient enemies SailorCharacteristics: Strength, Wisdom, Constitution Skills: Tech-Use, Crafts, Arcana, Common Lore, Ballistics, Persuasion, Pilot Feats:- Ship Feat(Choice of Miracle Worker/Detailed Analysis/Acceptable Losses/Worf Barrage)
- Jack of All Trades
- Peer (Ship Crew)
- Skill Focus (Any)
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Maneuver Actions
Post by GuardianTempest on Sept 23, 2018 15:49:24 GMT -6
Trainee Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Choose any three Characteristics except for Composure upon taking this class. Skills: Athletics, Ballistics, Forbidden Lore, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry Feats: Danger Sense Frenzy Improved Feint Power Attack Pure Faith Quick Draw Sound Constitution Bonus for Completion: One dot to any skill
Nomad Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Wisdom, Constitution, Composure Skills: Animal Ken, Athletics, Common Lore, Crafts, Medicae, Perception, Scrutiny Feats: Eidetic Memory Jaded Light Sleeper Nature Sense *Peer (Travelers) Bonus for Completion: +2k0 on tests to resist environmental effects
Post by Amanojyaku on Sept 23, 2018 16:07:14 GMT -6
Task Mage Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Charisma, Willpower, Wisdom Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Common Lore, Perception, Scrutiny Feats: Common Sense Minor Magic *Peer (Mercenary Organization) Speak Language (any) *Tested Level Completion: +2 Initiative.
Post by Traskus on Sept 23, 2018 18:16:08 GMT -6
Diver Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Fellowship, Constitution, Composure Skills: Academic Lore, Animal Ken, Athletics, Common Lore, Crafts, Medicae, Perception, Scrutiny Feats: Foresight Nature Sense *Paranoia Skill Focus (Athletics, Swimming) Bonus for Completion: Your Constitution is treated as double when holding breath or suffocating.
Also, gain a pair of goggles, a snorkel, a wetsuit, and an oxygen tank.
Items: Oxygen tank: This tank of oxygen (or whatever the character might breathe) comes with a hose that allows one person to breathe for a total of two hours.
Wetsuit: This item allows the character to survive in cold environments for one hour unharmed.
Construction Worker Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Constitution, Intelligence, Strength Skills: Athletics, Charm, Command, Common Lore, Crafts, Drive, Perception, Politics, Scrutiny, Tech Use Feats: Common Sense Danger Sense Hardy Jaded Sound Constitution *Sound Constitution Bonus for Completion: Gain a specialty (heavy lifting) in strength.
Post by username on Sept 24, 2018 15:30:22 GMT -6
Reposting a few of Weredrago2's stuff with his permission CowboyLevel 1Characteristics: Wisdom, Dexterity, Composure Skills: Common Lore, Perception, Athletics, Ballistics, Brawl, Drive, Animal Ken, Intimidation, Scrutiny Feats:*Armor Proficiency (Light) Deadeye Shot Hip Shooting Trusty Sidearm Quick Draw Weapon Proficiency (Ranged 1) Completion Bonus: +2 Initiative. TruckerLevel 1Characteristics: Willpower, Dexterity, Charisma Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Ballistics, Drive, Stealth, Weaponry, Charm, Deceive, Persuasion Feats:Fast Reflexes Luck Pass Back Quick Draw Weapon Proficiency (Basic) Completion Bonus: You gain a 100 VP Vehicle. Old New Feat:Pass BackAs a reaction, you may make an opposed Athletics + Dexterity test to catch a throw weapon targeted at you and throw it back. You can not perform this reaction if you’re engaged in melee combat.
Post by username on Sept 24, 2018 15:32:47 GMT -6
A few more of Weredrago2's base classes, reposted with his permission
Martial Artist Characteristics: Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Brawl, Common Lore, Intimidation, Scrutiny, Stealth Feats:Bear Hug Improvisational Warrior Iron Jaw Skill Focus (Brawl) Unarmed Warrior Weapon Proficiency (Melee 2)* Level Completion: +2 Hit Points. RockerCharacteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity Skills: Common Lore, Acrobatics, Athletics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Scrutiny, Command Feats:Decadence Heightened Senses (Hearing) Luck Peer (Any) Skill Focus (Performer) Level Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level. ShamanCharacteristics: Composure, Willpower, Wisdom Skills: Animal Ken, Brawl, Common Lore, Crafts, Forbidden Lore, Medicae, Scrutiny Feats:Armor Proficiency (Light) Druid's Oath Expert Tracker Speak Language (Spirit) Minor Magic Level Completion: +1 Ally, Contact, or Mentor (Totem Spirit). DancerCharacteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity Skills: Common Lore, Acrobatics, Athletics, Larceny, Performer, Charm, Deceive, Scrutiny Feats:Evasion Fast Reflexes Fleet of Foot Hard Target Peer (Any) Level Completion: +2 Speed.
Post by Marr965 on Oct 2, 2018 23:42:48 GMT -6
Title | Characteristics | Skills | Feats | Completion Bonus
| Drifter | Constitution Wisdom Willpower | Animal Ken Athletics Brawl Charm Deceive Perception Persuasion Scrutiny | Jack of All Trades Jaded Luck Speak Language (Any) *Skill Focus (Any) *Unremarkable | May gain an extra level of Fatigue before passing out | Belter | Strength Intelligence Willpower | Acrobatics Athletics Brawl Common Lore Crafts Medicae Tech-Use Perception Pilot Politics | Common Sense Hardy Jaded Jerry Rig Peer (Belters) *Mining Charges *Peer (Junkers) *Structural Engineering | Gain the feat Good Reputation (Belters). | Junker | Dexterity Intelligence Composure | Acrobatics Ballistics Common Lore Crafts Larceny Medicae Tech-Use Perception Pilot Weaponry | Common Sense Gain Access Hardy Jaded Peer (Junkers) *Fast Reflexes *Paranoia *Peer (Belters) | Gain the feat Good Reputation (Junkers). |
Post by Lestat on Nov 18, 2018 15:20:45 GMT -6
PsychLevel: 1 Characteristics: Intelligence, Wisdom, Willpower Skills: Academic Lore, Arcana, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Medicae, Perception, Charm, Decieve, Intimidation, Persuasion, Scrutiny Bonus for Completion: You may speak directly into the minds of creatures you are aware of within a normal talking distance, which can be used for social attacks so long as they understand you. Feats:Blind Fighting Danger Sense Discipline Eidetic Memory Minor Magic Skill Focus (Scrutiny) *Tested Body BuilderLevel: 1 Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Fellowship Skills: Medicae, Acrobatics, Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Intimidation, Performer Bonus for Completion: Gain +1k0 to social tests where your chiseled physique would come into play. Feats:Feed the Meat Power Attack Skill Focus (Charm or Intimidation or Performer) Sound Constitution *Sound Constitution Old New FeatsFeed the MeatGain Armor equal to your Constitution or 1/10th of your Insanity (whichever is lower) on all body locations, which does not stack with other sources of Armor. This feat is treated as Wholeness of Body for the purpose of interacting with other feats and class completion bonuses.
Post by GuardianTempest on Nov 18, 2018 16:38:01 GMT -6
I don't think there's ever been any three-way OR choices in Core, perhaps Skill Focus (Social)? Although that would include Deceive and Disguise, which would only come into play with a creative player. Alternatively, cut out the Intimidation to have the Skill Focus cater to Fellowship skills.
Post by Amanojyaku on Nov 18, 2018 20:07:32 GMT -6
...so just any softheaded berk can have his CON as AP now?
Post by Traskus on Jan 26, 2019 19:31:47 GMT -6
Mentat Level: 1 Prerequisites: -- Characteristics: Intelligence, Willpower, Wisdom Skills: Any Mental Feats: Brainstorm Eidetic Memory Expanded Knowledge Skill Focus (any) Skill Focus (any) Bonus for Completion: Select one skill you are not trained in. Gain +1 dot to that skill.
New Feat Brainstorm
Once you get started on a a thought, you have to follow down that rabbit hole as far as it goes. By spending one full action as you block out all distraction, you gain +1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower, -2 fellowship and composure until the end of combat, and you must make an Attack or Social Attack or move closer to an enemy on each of your turns. While using Brainstorm you may not make refute or dodge actions unless you have Battle Rage. This feat counts as Frenzy for interaction with appropriate feats and abilities.
Post by ScrapyardDragon on Jun 14, 2019 18:25:37 GMT -6
Martial artist shouldn't have iron jaw, thats a level 4-5 feat.
Post by username on Jul 12, 2019 16:38:35 GMT -6
Martial artist shouldn't have iron jaw, thats a level 4-5 feat. The class wasn't made by me, but there is precedent for a base class to get a somewhat higher level feat, although it does require care to ensure the feat isn't too much of a game changer. Initiate gets Divine Ministration which is a 3-4 level feat and lowly scholar gets Expanded Knowledge, a feat that only otherwise appears on a 5th level class as far as the first two books are concerned. Iron Jaw is a nice feat but is hardly a game changer, and for several exalts is actually wasted xp since they're immune to stunning anyway. You wouldn't want to put something like Iron Curtain on a base class, but Death before Defeat might work as long as you don't have any other high level feats with it for instance. There's no fast rule but considering the impact of the feat is important. Something like Fearless or Nerves of Steel is a game changer, but you could probably put Swift Attack on a base class and people wouldn't Beeline it over other builds that would get it anyway.
Post by Lestat on Oct 16, 2019 22:53:41 GMT -6
MutieLevel: 1 Characteristics: - Skills: Brawl, Intimidation Bonus for Completion: Gain the Witch-mark Degeneration, but the mutation is not easily concealable. Feats:Frenzy Hardy Jaded Sound Constitution Unnatural Weapon OR Unnatural Ranged Weapon New FeatsUnnatural Ranged WeaponGain a Natural Ranged Weapon with the following profile: (Pistol, Primitive; 30m; S/-; 3k2 I or R; Clip -; Reload -; Arm Mounted, Reliable) Old New FeatsUnnatural WeaponAlready the Warp has allowed you to twist your form, perhaps for the better. Gain a Natural Weapon with the following profile: (1k2 I or R, Melee, Brawling)